It’s no surprise that technology plays a larger role in our lives today than ever before. In fact, the average American spends more than half of their waking hours looking at a digital device!
Whether it’s a computer at work, checking your smartphone at lunch, or relaxing with a good book on an e-reader, technology is center stage — but not without consequences on your vision. You may not even realize it, but you could be suffering from digital eye strain.

Computer Vision Syndrome, also referred to as digital or computer eye strain can be caused by
spending too much time in front of a digital screen like a laptop computer or cell phone. When
you look at a screen for too long, this often causes blinking to diminish, which in turn, causes
your eyes to dry out and unnecessarily strain.
Eye strain symptoms vary because everyone has different habits, but the most common are:
- Sore, tired or dry eyes
- Headaches
- Blurred or double vision
- Burning or itching sensation in eyes
- Difficulty focusing
- Neck, shoulder or back pain
If you’re experiencing symptoms of digital or computer eye strain, any MyEyeDr. location can
offer treatment. This may involve anti-fatigue or blue light lenses that block blue light or anti-
reflective coatings on lenses which minimize glare.